‘Charity work led me to UAE, now I’m a billionaire’

Dubai: Azad Moopen came to Dubai 31 years ago to raise money for the renovation of a mosque in his hometown, Kalpakancheri, in Malappuram district, Kerala. He needed 10 lakhs then, or Dh250,000 as per the currency exchange in 1987. The plan was just to collect the funds and return home. The intention was never […]

Air Arabia files lawsuit against Abraaj founder Arif Naqvi in UAE

Dubai: Air Arabia said on Thursday it is taking legal action against Arif Naqvi, a former member of its board of directors and the founder of now-bankrupt private equity firm Abraaj. The budget carrier said it has filed a misdemeanor case against Naqvi in a Sharjah court, following arbitration procedures it took in July 2018. […]