RAKEZ Media Zone Press Conference

In just a year, the number of new media licences and freelancer permits under RAKEZ Media Zone jumped 177%! A big thanks to our clients for partnering with us. We will continue to work on building an enriching environment for the businesses joining RAKEZ. شهدت الرخص الإعلامية وتصاريح العمل الاستقلالي العاملة في منطقة راكز الإعلامية […]

Bring your Ideas to Life with RAKEZ Media Zone

Waiting to start a media business? Well, it’s time because you have reached RAKEZ. You can now set up your media company from AED 10,300. Want to know how? Just visit http://rakez.com/About/Zones/Rakez-Media-Zone هل تفكر بمشروع إعلامي؟ لقد حان الوقت لإطلاقه لأنك وصلت إلى راكز، بإمكانك تأسيس شركتك الإعلامية إبتداءً من 10300 درهم. هل أنت مستعد […]