Dubai start-up GetBee brings e-learning to Latin America with Accenture

Global e-learning is set to reach US$ 287 billion by 2023. Thea Myhrvold, CEO and Founder of GetBEE, talks about how they digitally transform businesses to virtually deliver services, and how collaboration between start-ups, large corporates like Accenture and the Dubai government, drives digital transformation and global innovation. “Expo Live for example, is connecting over […]

Middle East & Africa A.I. spend of US$ 374 million predicted in 2020

International Data Company predicts Middle East & Africa A.I. spend of US$ 374 million in 2020 with an increase at a compound annual growth rate of 19% by 2023. A.I. Venture Labs who specialises in accelerating A.I. start-ups, in partnership with Microsoft and Area 2071, has good news for the sector. “The potential of A.I. […]