Investment in A.I. Systems in the MEA Region will grow to over US$100 million by 2021

“Education in Artificial Intelligence will be as important as education in mathematics in less than five years”, said Dr. Petar Stojana, Managing Partner, Ebtikaar, speaking at the A.I. Everything Summit 2019. “A.I will impact the global economy across so many different areas. Dubai is really at the forefront, and Ebtikaar is collaborating with a number […]

Dubai’s Wrappup used #A.I. and voice tech to evolve from idea to a business in 24 hours

“It’s been incredible to see our technology being used in a product that is funded by Microsoft ventures, Cisco ventures and Google, all from a hackathon idea in Dubai.” Find out how Dubai’s Angelhack #hackaton helped Rami Salman, Founder & CEO, Wrappup, VP of Growth, Voicea, develop a concept into a tangible business based on […]