Peikko Gulf expands facility in RAKEZ Al Hamra Industrial Zone

Interviews with our Chairman HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saqr Al Qasimi, HE Marianne Nissilä, Ambassador of Finland to the UAE, Topi Paananen, Owner & CEO, Peikko Group Corporation, and Radovan Endel, General Manager, Peikko Gulf LLC, during the opening of the new hub of Peikko Gulf in Ras Al Khaimah. جانب من المقابلات الصحفية خلال […]

Gulfood 2020

Going for Gulfood? Visit us at our Stand in Concourse 2, next to Hall 7 entrance, and we will be glad to answer all your queries regarding business set-up in the UAE. هل تخطط لحضور معرض جلفود؟ تفضل بزيارة منصتنا في جناح 2 بالقرب من مدخل قاعة 7، وسيكون من دواعي سرورنا الإجابة على استفساراتك […]

University of Stirling Ras Al Khaimah – Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone (RAKEZ)

The University of Stirling, UK is a global university with a reputation for high-quality teaching and research. The University launched its Ras Al Khaimah Campus in partnership with Planet Core, and together, they offer students opportunity to study in the UAE, for a degree awarded by the University of Stirling, UK. They found the partnership […]

St. Mary’s High School Ras Al Khaimah – Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone (RAKEZ)

St. Mary’s High School Ras Al Khaimah is the latest addition to the growing number of schools in the emirate. The St. Mary’s Group of Schools in the UAE have established a solid track record with a mission of high quality education, affordability, and value based education. The growing diversity of schools in Ras Al […]

Tech disruptors are eyeing renewable energy opportunities in Dubai

With annual digital transformation spend set to reach US $40 Billion in MENA by 2022, Fortune 500s like California-based NetApp, look to Dubai for growth. Director of Technology and Strategy, NetApp, a hybrid cloud data service company, Matt Watt, talks renewable energy, tech, A.I., IoT, and why MENA is one of their fastest growing regions. […]

RAKEZ Kid Zone Sports Day

It was Sports Day at RAKEZ Kid Zone nursery. Our enthusiastic children gave their parents some good competition. As for us, seeing our clients having fun with their kids was the best part of the day! نظّمت حضانة كيدزون فعالية اليوم الرياضي والتي شارك فيها عملاءنا وأولياء الأمور، حيث قضوا وقتاً ممتعاً في أجواء تملؤها […]

RAKEZ Business Excellence Awards 2019

Our annual RAKEZ Business Excellence Awards celebrates the success of our clients. Here are the highlights of our recently concluded 6th edition! نشارككم في مقطع الفيديو هذا بعض اللحظات الرائعة التي شهدناها خلال حفل تكريم عملائنا على نجاحهم في النسخة السادسة من جوائز راكز لتميّز الأعمال.