WATCH – Droning the drove: Israeli cow-herders turn to flying tech

Nahlayim Ranch, Golan Heights: The buzz of tiny rotors has replaced dog barks and bullwhips on this Israeli ranch, where drones are being used to herd and observe cattle. The remote-controlled quadcopters hover near the cows, which move along in response while live video is relayed back to the farmers. “Using a drone, instead of […]

COVID-19: Will UAE flights be affected as India extends ban on international flights?

Dubai: UAE-India special flights operating under the ‘air bubble’ agreement have not been affected by India announcing an extension to restrictions on regular international flights, a top Indian diplomat confirmed. Pavan Kapoor, India’s Ambassador to the UAE, told Gulf News that all special COVID-19 flights announced under the air bubble agreement will be operating in December. “Our […]

Women, lower-income workers worst hit by pandemic’s impact on wages

New York: The pandemic is depressing wages, with International Labour Organization data showing the brunt is being borne by women and the lowest paid. Average pay in Japan, South Korea and the UK came under pressure in the first-half of the year. Wages in Brazil, Canada, France, Italy and the US rose on balance, but […]

Where is Dubai’s real estate sector headed next?

Covid-19 has caused significant disruption across all real estate sectors in 2020 with owners and occupiers having to make necessary adjustments to business operations in response to the statutory restrictions on capacity and mobility. It remains unknown whether the pandemic will result in structural shifts for residential and commercial real estate. In the short-term, cash […]