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Mumbai: India’s economic recovery prospects have gone from bad to worse after the nation emerged as a new global hotspot for the coronavirus pandemic with more than 5 million infections. Economists and global institutions like the Asian Development Bank have cut India’s growth projections from already historic lows as the virus continues to spread. Goldman […]
Two Covid positive passengers were allowed to board flights in violation of rules.
1,174 people died of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, taking total deaths from the disease to 84,372.
The suspension will be from September 18 to October 2.
Japanese tyremaker Bridgestone said Wednesday that it would shut its factory in France, prompting the government to denounce a “brutal” move that will cost 863 jobs. Bridgestone cited overcapacity in Europe and fierce competition from Asian rivals, and said it would seek a buyer for the site, located in the north of the country. “This […]
LinkedIn data shows that the share of monthly female hires in the UAE saw an upward trajectory from May onwards
Largest airline in the Middle East is expected to start flying to Israel by the end of the year
Following reports that Toyota Motor Corp. won’t expand further in India due to the country’s punitive tax regime, India’s minister in charge of heavy industries came out with a statement refuting the news. News agency Bloomberg had reported earlier this week that the Japanese major is set to stop investing in the Indian market, which […]