To set investors on the right path, the Dubai Health Authority has clearly spelt out where gaps exist in the emirate’s health care needs. And not just that, where there is too much of existing supply.
In the “Dubai Health Investment Guide”, “There are specialities and services where current and future supply is not sufficient to meet current and future demand,” said Dr. Ibtesam Al Bastaki, Director, Investments & PPPs (public-private partnership), DHA.
“DHA is working on a programme to develop and implement a “Certificate of Needs” [CoN] guidelines, (which) will support and guide investments with the “right” calibre to deliver quality services. We will make investors aware of where the opportunities are, and will provide incentives to areas where investment needs exist and where CoN requirements are met.
“This will limit overcrowding of specialised services and protect investors who have invested significantly into specialised services. We believe that the program will enable — and ensure — stability and sustainability of quality of care for complex medical services.
“The Certificate of Needs will limit over utilisation and artificial growth in health spending due to new capacity in areas of sufficient supply. Investments generated through the program will also lead to improvement in coverage for undersupplied services. Investors mandated to improve and provide access to all segments of the population (could) receive a period of exclusivity to provide these services.”